June 11, 2021
蝗歌 Day of the Locusts 是 Bob Dylan 在 1970 年寫的一首歌, 那一年的六月普林斯頓大學頒給他榮譽博士學位, 他接受學位的那一天, 成群的週期蟬 Cicadas 出現, 蟬聲雖大, 並不影響他發表演說, 但吸引了現場群眾的注意力, 回家後 Dylan 就寫了這首蝗歌, 但實際上談的是週期蟬.
Cicadas 中文稱為週期蟬, 生長地是美國東部, 通常是在樹多的地方, 幼蟲都躲在地下, 要十七年才長成成蟲, 長成後就竄出地下, 飛到樹上將翅膀上的胎片抖掉, 母蟲下卵, 公蟲則大聲呼唱, 就是我們俗稱的蟬聲, 等蟲卵蜉出小蟲掉到地下, 成蟲就死亡了, 成蟲的生命只有幾個星期, 由於成蟲從地底竄出攀附樹皮上是一致的行動, 因此出現在樹林裏像一片蝗蟲, 而公蟲努力呼唱的聲音響遍天際, 是個奇妙的眼界, 也是一場令人震撼的音樂會.
週期蟬上次出土是 2004 年, 2021 年他們出土乙次, 各大報章雜誌大幅報導, 這幾週2024 年
Bob Dylan 的蝗歌, 歌詞刊列在此, 說這是一首歌, 不如說是一篇用唱歌形式表達的散文, 歌裏的 locust 是形容週期蟬的數目之多, 就像蝗蟲一般.
Oh, the benches were stained with tears and perspiration
The birdies were flying from tree to tree
There was little to say, there was no conversation
As I stepped to the stage to pick up my degree
And the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang and they were singing for me
I glanced into the chamber where the judges were talking
Darkness was everywhere, it smelled like a tomb
I was ready to leave, I was already walkin’
But the next time I looked there was light in the room
And the locusts sang, yeah, it give me a chill
Oh, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang their high whining trill
Yeah, the locusts sang and they were singing for me
Outside of the gates the trucks were unloadin’
The weather was hot, a-nearly 90 degrees
The man standin’ next to me, his head was exploding
Well, I was prayin’ the pieces wouldn’t fall on me
Yeah, the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang off in the distance
And the locusts sang and they were singing for me
I put down my robe, picked up my diploma
Took hold of my sweetheart and away we did drive
Straight for the hills, the black hills of Dakota
Sure was glad to get out of there alive
And the locusts sang, well, it give me a chill
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
And the locusts sang with a high whinin’ trill
Yeah, the locusts sang and they was singing for me
Singing for me, well, singing for me
January 19, 2024
December 23, 2021