March 17, 2022
The strongest orders in modern history—from Westphalia in the seventeenth century to the liberal international order in the twentieth—were not inclusive organizations working for the greater good of humanity. Rather, they were alliances built by great powers to wage security competition against their main rivals. Fear and loathing of a shared enemy, not enlightened calls to make the world a better place, brought these orders together.December 30, 2022
今天我又發現了另外一個景點, 台北捷運綠線小巨蛋站第三個出口對面的點水樓, 我去那裏吃小籠包, 每次到台北都去鼎泰豐吃小籠包, 經驗不是很愉快, 先要拿號碼牌, 輪到了很快地點餐, 很快地囫圇吞, 很快地走人, 吃的時候還得忍受外邊虎視耽耽的觀光客, 用一種催促的眼光盯著你, 令人全身不舒服.
在點水樓, 我坐進專為一人客打造的 Bar 檯....
December 23, 2022