September 08, 2023
Obama 時代, 女兒 Evelyn 是白宮演講撰稿團隊的一員 (White House Speech Writing Team), 這個團隊為總統及白宮高級官員撰寫演講稿, 以下是 Evelyn 為 Ms. Valerie Jarrett (President's Senior Advisor) 寫的一篇畢業典禮演講辭, Ms. Jarrett 應邀在一家基督教大學演講, 我把文章翻譯如下 -
For while our world changes—some truths simply don’t. Whatever the battle, whatever the hour, whatever the day, these truths remain. We cling to them, and we hold them in our heart, because they are the only things that last. We see that with Joshua. 當世界持續變動, 創世以來, 亙古存在的真理卻妥穩不變, 爭戰未曾撼動它, 時間未曾令它褪色, 日復一日, 真理安然. 我們跳動的心渴慕它, 我們無盡的思慮攀附在它上面, 因為它的存在是唯一的, 是永恆的. 約書亞就是這真理的見證.
When Joshua assembled the elders and leaders of Israel, he tested their commitment to the Lord. And they said, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” So faith stood. 當約書亞召集了他族裏的長者和領袖, 他試探他們對神的信諾, 他們說: "至於我和我的一家, 我們必定要侍候耶和華", 信的真理就因此顯明了.
When Joshua summoned the priests to bring down the walls of Jericho, for seven days they marched, for seven days they waited and hoped. I can only imagine what those priests were thinking—did they believe the city would fall? But they kept marching. So hope stood. 當約書亞召集了他族裏的祭司, 要令耶利哥的城牆倒塌, 七個晝夜, 他們繞著城牆巡行, 因著神的承諾, 他們持守盼望, 安靜等待, 這一刻祭司們在想些什麼呢? 他們真的相信牆會垮塌嗎? 但他們持續巡行, 未曾稍歇, 望的真理就因此顯明了.
In his farewell, Joshua spoke of an abiding commitment to the Lord, saying, “But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Because their desire to serve the Lord was as much out of obedience as it was out of love for Him. So love stood. 當約書亞要離世的時候, 他說到和上主的約諾, "要小心持守你們的約諾, 還有上主的僕人摩西頒佈給你們的律法: 要愛你們的神, 要服從祂, 遵守衪的律令, 要以心靈誠實禁食潔淨服伺祂", 因為他們服伺上主的動機不僅是出自服從, 也是出自愛神的美意, 愛的真理就因此顯明了.
These truths resonate in my own heart and mind. And they continue to illuminate and give meaning to all the experiences I’ve had in my journey so far. I can try to keep describing these truths, but I think the Good Book says it best. 在我奔跑天路的路程上, 這些真理在我的心思意念裏迴盪, 它們照亮我走的路, 我所經歷的一切皆因此饒富意義. 我的口可以試著談論這些真理, 但我想還是那本大書最能傳講,最能教導。
Scripture tells us, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 經文裏是這樣說的 "如今常存的有信、有望、有愛這三樣,其中最大的是愛"
So let’s start there! 我們就從這裏開始吧!