第四十二週 - Both Sides, Now

October 23, 2020 1 Comment

各位朋友們, 平安:

各位朋友們, 平安:

今天週末問安的主題是 Both Sides, Now.

Both Sides, Now 是加拿大歌星 Joni Mitchell 寫的歌, 卻是美國女歌手 Judy Collins 唱紅的, 這首歌由 Joni Mitchell 自己唱的時候, 是含在一張名為 “Cloud”, 以雲朵為主題的專輯, Both Sides, Now 的歌名, 在 Sides 和 Now 中間有逗點, 是一種提醒, 說一朵雲有兩面, 想瞭解雲朵, 你必須看兩面, 用雲朵的不易捉摸, 來形容愛情和人生的不易掌握, 歌詞裏有關雲朵的部分是這樣的, 我來唸中文的部分:

I've looked at clouds from both sides now, 我看盡雲朵的兩面,
from up and down, and still somehow 上上下下, 
it's cloud illusions I recall. 朦朦朧朧,
I really don't know clouds at all. 雲朵於我仍然陌生.

I've looked at love from both sides now, 我沉浮愛情的兩面,
from give and take, and still somehow 有得有失,
it's love's illusions that I recall. 朦朦朧朧,
I really don't know love at all. 愛情於我很難捉摸.

I've looked at life from both sides now, 我嚐透人生的兩面,
from win and lose, and still somehow  輸輸贏贏,
it's life's illusions I recall. 朦朦朧朧
I really don't know life at all. 人生於我不易識透.

中文歌詞是我自己翻的, 您不妨也試著翻譯看看, 填在下方的 Comment 欄裏.

這裏分享 Judy Collins 年輕時唱的版本, 和 Joni Mitchell 上了年紀唱的爵士版, 前者只是好聽, 旋律輕快, 後者抓住我們的心, 刻劃人生, 有些痕跡, 不是年紀大了, 而是新酒變老酒, 香醇有味.

1 Response


October 24, 2020

Thank you Paul, You have chosen very philosophical and inspiring song for weekend shalon. I love watching clouds especially living in Rossmoor, we have gland view of sky and clouds. I always think pictures of clouds are the most creative art work no one can copy or reproduce. I sometimes take pictures of cloud from my dining room window and see the change and movement within minutes. Like it describes , even to this age, I still can’t quite grasp clouds, love and life even after searching many sides of them.


Also in 2020 Shalom to You 週末問安

第五十一週 - 聖誕夜的九個功課

December 25, 2020

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