November 13, 2020
During the Barack Obama comet streak in 2008, a lot of Americans were electrified by the idea of leaping into modernity with a brainy, young, Black cool cat.
Now a lot of Americans seem resigned yet relieved to step back in time with a sentimental old-school Irish pol who was born the year Bing Crosby topped the charts with “White Christmas.”
Back to a time when the president did not rubbish people like an insult comic. Back to a time when the president did not peddle his own lethal reality. Back to a time when the president cared about the whole country, not just the part that voted for him. Back to a time when the president didn’t dismiss science, treat the Justice Department like his personal legal defense firm, besmirch the intelligence community, and denigrate the F.B.I. for not doing his bidding. Back to a time when the president behaved like an adult, not a delinquent.
You can only let King Kong, as Don McGahn, Trump’s first White House counsel, dubbed his former boss, smash up the metropolis for so long.
歐巴馬 2008 年上任的時候像一顆彗星, 大家非常興奮, 歐巴馬於我們就像一隻年輕, 聰明, 冷靜的黑貓, 即將帶領我們躍入摩登的現代化時代.
現在很多美國人卻是以能夠回到舊時代而喘一口氣, 我們選出的那個愛爾蘭傢伙出生的時候, 平克勞斯貝剛推出”白色聖誕”這首歌, 它高踞流行排行榜第一名.
在那個時候, 總統是不會用侮辱人的語言的, 總統是不會自己創出自己想像的現實的, 在那個時候, 總統想的是有關全國人民的事, 而不是只想取悅投他一票的選民, 那個時候, 總統不會不聽科學家的意見, 不會把司法部當成他的個人辯護律師, 也不會刻意減損情報部門的名聲, 只不過是他們不跟著總統起舞; 那個時候, 總統是個成熟的大人, 而不是被退學的䪲童.
我們放任金剛摧毀我們的城市是要有一個限度的. (金剛是川普的前任白宮顧問給他的綽號.)
聖誕快樂, 再見! 金剛!
December 25, 2020
December 18, 2020
December 11, 2020