June 11, 2021
各位朋友們, 平安:
今天的週末問安的主題是: 波希米亞的女孩.
有一年我和安到了德國的 Wuzburg 這個不算小的城市, 我們去參觀了一個王子的皇宮 Residenz, 裏面都是大理石地, 大理石階梯, 大理石扶手, 簡直可以說是大理石舖天蓋地, 我走過大廳, 其中一塊大理石板已經鬆動了, 走在上面石板翹起, 發出吱呷的聲音, 我俯下身來仔細看看這塊"辛苦"的石板, 它幾佰年來負載著歳月的磨練, 見證了這個大廳裏很多不為人知的故事, 留下的記憶也許只有在上面跳從容美麗的宮廷舞的美好時光, 再往前, 我走上階梯, 撫摸著大理石的扶手, 幾世紀的撫摸, 可以看出年歳的風霜, 回到家, 我就寫了這篇聆樂筆記"波希米亞的女孩."
波希米亞的女孩 The Bohemian Girl 是十九世紀愛爾蘭作曲家 Michael William Balfe 所做的歌劇, 其中的一首曲子 I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls 我夢想住在有大理石大廳的華厦中, 這首歌相當有名, 講的是一個出身平凡的波希米亞女孩, 愛上了一位波蘭流放在該地的貴族青年, 兩人在貴族的城堡裏渡過一段美好的時光, 這段平民和貴族的姻緣, 沒有什麼結果, 女孩回想這段時光, 常常想起大理石構建的城堡內部, 發亮的石階, 磨光的扶手, 還有鬆動冷洌的石板地, 走在上面壓出的吱呷聲.
這裏分享英國封爵女高音 Dame Joan Sutherland 所唱的版本, 被英國女王封賞爵位的女士我們稱之為 Dame, 男士稱之為 Sir.
I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marbal Halls
I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls,
With vassals and serfs at my side,
And of all who assembled within those walls,
That I was the hope and the pride.
I had riches all too great to count,
And a high ancestral name.
But I also dreamt which pleased me most,
That you loved me still the same,
That you loved me
You loved me still the same,
That you loved me
You loved me still the same.
I dreamt that suitors sought my hand,
That knights upon bended knee
And with vows no maidens heart could withstand,
They pledged their faith to me.
And I dreamt that one of that noble host
Came forth my hand to claim.
But I also dreamt which charmed me most
That you loved me still the same
That you loved me
You loved me still the same,
That you loved me
You loved me still the same.
December 23, 2021
December 16, 2021 2 Comments
December 09, 2021