March 31, 2022
各位朋友們平安, 今天的週末問安的主題是: 歌詞聽歌 - My Way 我行我素
My Way 是一首法國作者寫的歌, 原來的歌詞跟愛情有關, 歌名是’為了我’ (For Me), 傳到美國之後, 歌星 Paul Anka 將歌詞改寫, 取名 My Way 我的路, Frank Sinatra 將之唱紅, 他唱這首歌的時候, 傳言他和黑社會掛鈎, 這首歌好像是他的辯解.
My Way 這首歌俄羅斯總統普丁和他的周圍支持他的的土豪 Oligarchs 都是很喜歡, 因為他們都是我行我素的一群人, 在台灣有人把歌名就譯為我行我素, 有一家素食餐館取名我行我素, 將之用來做廣告.
And now, the end is near 終點將近
And so I face the final curtain 我即將謝幕
My friend, I'll say it clear 朋友,讓我說清楚
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain 我的經歷作為, 我當然清楚....
I've lived a life that's full 我過了豐富的一生
I've traveled each and every highway 我走過每一條重要的路,
And more, much more I did 最重要的是
I did it my way 我走了我自己的路
Regrets, I've had a few 有些不無遺憾的事
But then again, too few to mention 但我再說一次, 它們不值一提
I did what I had to do 我做了我必須做的事
And saw it through without exemption 也不會去走回頭路
I planned each charted course 我每條路線都小心策劃
Each careful step along the by way 謹慎地跨過每一步
and more, much more than this 更重要的是
I did it my way 我走了我自己的路
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew 是的,我想你知道,
When I bit off more than I could chew 我有些時候不自量力
But through it all, when there was doubt 但自始至終即使稍有疑慮
I ate it up and spit it out 我吞下肚去, 噴吐在側...
I faced it all and I stood tall 我勇敢面對, 昂然挺立…
And did it my way 我我行我素, 走我的路...
I've loved, I've laughed and cried 我曾經愛過、笑過,也哭過
I've had my fill; my share of losing 我曾志得意滿,也曾失敗落寞
And now, as tears subside 現在淚水已乾
I find it all so amusing 往事可以一笑置之
To think I did all that 想到我做過的一切
And may I say - not in a shy way 我會毫不膽怯地說
No, oh no not me 不,我不是隨波逐流的人,
I did it my way 我我行我素, 走我自己的路...
For what is a man, what has he got? 什麼是男子漢,他擁有什麼?
If not himself, then he has naught 除了真正的自己,我們一無所有..
To say the things he truly feels 來說出我心裏真正的感受...
And not the words of one who kneels 而不是那種卑躬屈膝的言詞
The record shows I took the blows 會有這樣的記載, 我努力接招,
And did it my way 仍然夠能我行我素
Yes, it was my way 沒錯,我走了我自己的路
December 30, 2022
December 23, 2022 1 Comment
December 16, 2022 1 Comment